Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Readings and Assignment - WEEK 2 (1)

1. Congratulations: 12 students have signed up as followers of the lecture-blog titled CMS interactive - that's great!

2. I am very impressed with 6 of you who also already have created your OWN blogs - and I want the other 6 to do the same as soon as possible - even today!
If you are not certain how to do this, there are at least two options, namely (i) go to - some place in the top right hand corner you will find a link that says "create a blog" - click on that ... and follow the instructions; (ii) ask a friend to help you ... 6 have already got it right, so there are guys who can advise you!

3. I have given some personal responses to those who posted their assignment on "blogging as a form of 'new media'. General comment will go out as soon as I have received work from all.

4. There have been a few queries about what exactly I am going to expect of you - what you have to do in this course - I am busy typing up a nice regular word document, which I shall send through to you via ms Williams before the end of the day (which is Wednesday 29th July!).
That will give you more than just the "one step at a time" that the blog does - I realise a nice course outline and overview will help a lot - so, its on its way!

In the mean time - keep blogging ... this one is learning by doing!

Good luck, and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys. Check your e-mails.
    Make sure you NAME your site / blogspot in a way that you can retrace it next time you log in.
